1. Read the text and decide if the following
statements are T (true) or F (false) according to it. Correct
the false ones. (Leia o texto e decida se as seguintes
afirmações são verdadeiras ou falsas. Corrija as falsas).
Women in History
Elizabeth, the last Tudor monarch, was born in Greenwich on 7 September
1533. She was the daughter of Henry VIII and his second wife, Anne Boleyn. When
Elizabeth was just two years old, her mother was beheaded1 for adultery and she was exiled2 from court. In later years Catherine Parr,
Henry's sixth wife, took a keen3
interest in the young Elizabeth and made
sure4 that she was educated to the highest5 standards6.
In 1553, Elizabeth's older half-sister Mary became
queen. Mary was determined to re-establish7
Catholicism in England and viewed8
the Protestant Elizabeth as a direct threat9.
Elizabeth was briefly10 imprisoned11 in the Tower of
London in 1554 following a failed rebellion, of which she claimed no knowledge.
In November 1558, after the death of Mary I,
Elizabeth succeeded to the throne. Some see Elizabeth’s 45-year reign as a golden age12 of English
history. She was a shrewd13
and intelligent woman who was fluent in six languages.
The arts flourished14
in England during this period as15
William Shakespeare, Edmund Spenser and Christopher Marlowe created poetry and
drama while composers such as Thomas Byrd and William Tallis worked in
Elizabeth’s court.
Elizabeth built a large navy16, which explored the world. In 1588, Spain sent
many ships17, called the
Spanish Armada, to take over18
England. Elizabeth sent her large navy16
to fight the Spanish. England won the battle, which is one of the most
important battles19 in
English history.
Elizabeth never married and died on 24th March
Vocabulary: 1. Decapitada; 2. Exilada; 3.
Entusiasmado; 4. Certificou-se; 5. Mais alto(s); 6. Padrões; 7. reestabelecer;
8. Via, enxergava; 9. Ameaça; 10. Brevemente; 11. Presa; 12. Época de ouro; 13.
Astuta; 14. Floresceram; 15. Como; 16. Marinha; 17. Frota (de navios); 18.
Assumir o comando (da); 19. Batalhas.
a) Catherine de Aragon era mãe de
Elizabeth. ( )
b) Katherine Parr, a última esposa do
rei Henrique VIII, esteve pessoalmente envolvida na educação da jovem
Elizabeth. ( )
c) Elizabeth queria reestabelecer o
Catolicismo na Inglaterra. ( )
d) Diferenças religiosas causaram um
conflito entre Elizabeth e sua meia-irmã Mary. ( )
e) Elizabeth era inteligente, mas não
falava nenhuma língua estrangeira. (
f) Ela foi rainha da Inglaterra por 40
anos. ( )
g) Elizabeth morreu quando ela tinha
69 anos de idade. ( )
h) Shakespeare era o único produtor de
arte durante o reinado dela. ( )
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